vilmavalenti [at] cordental [dot] it
Dr Vilma Valenti was born in Bivongi (R.C.) Italy , in 1962. She earned a degree in Dental Hygiene from the University of Rome- La Sapienza School of dentistry in 2003. Between 1987 and 1992 she worked with Prof. Stromberg as a dental chairside assistant specializing in oral surgery and implantology according to the Branemark protocol. During those same years she attended the three-year course of the George Eastman Hospital School of Dental Hygiene. In 1991she was invited, together with Dr Antonella Polimeni, at the 2nd Congress of Dental Hygiene Professionals to lecture on the subject “Protocols for the prevention of oral cancer: an investigative study”. She constantly attends continuing education courses and congresses. After practicing for many years as a dental hygienist in different dental offices in Rome, she joined the COR- Center for Oral Rehabilitation in 2014.